Sponsored by:
Silver Sponsors:
Bronze Sponsors:
It is time again to for our annual golf tournament. Last year’s tournament was a great success. With the help of our sponsors we raised enough money to award $5,000.00 in college scholarships. Our goal is to match that same level and award college educational scholarships totaling $5,000.00 again this year!
This will be our 26th Annual Kenneth N. Houston Memorial Golf Tournament. This tournament is our only educational scholarship fundraiser. The proceeds of this tournament are used to provide educational scholarships, which our chapter awards to young people living in our
area and studying construction related curriculum.
In addition to golfing, please take the time to consider how your company can financially help by choosing one of the sponsorship options listed below.
We are having the tournament at the LHCC Catawba Springs course again on September 7th!!! As usual, we’ll have free beverages before and during the tournament. Free dinner will also be available as golfers complete their rounds. Please RSVP for dinner and write "NO GOLF" in the handicap blank if you will be attending dinner but will be unable to golf (a member or their guest may attend dinner only at no cost).
Golf Fees (Per 4-Man Team)
Golf Fees (Per Individual Golfer)
Mulligan Packages (Optional)
Limited to 1 Package per Player
($20.00 per Golfer)
Standard Hole Sponsorship (Optional)
Exclusive Hole Sponsorship (Optional)
PCEA Bronze Sponsorship (Optional)
For a printable version of the registration form
For additional information on sponsorship opportunities, contact the tournament organizer,
John Walker via cell (828-381-4855) or
Email (jwalker@wcreynolds.biz).
PCEA - Catawba Valley Chapter
Please Note:
Contributions, gifts or payments to the Professional Construction Estimators Association are not tax deductible as charitable contributions.
However, they may be tax deductible as ordinary and necessary business expense.